Cosmetology Schools in Denver

Become A Licensed Cosmetologist

What Courses Are Usually Available at a Cosmetology School?


For those that are looking to study cosmetology, they are going to need to go to a school or a specialized training program. In this program, the student will learn how to do all different types of hair and styles. There are some courses that a student will attend cosmetology schools in denver.

Hair Styling

A student will learn how to cut and style all different types of hair. They will also learn to color, how to straighten hair, how to perform perms and other types of styling. They will also learn how to do hairstyles for special events.


Many people love getting their hair washed when they go for a haircut. The student will learn how to prepare the hair for the cut. They will also learn how to treat the hair after coloring or using chemical services.

Manicuring and Pedicures

Many people want to have their hands and nails looking great as well. The student will learn how to condition and treat the skin and nails and they will also learn different polishing techniques.


The cosmetology student will need to learn some basic services. They will need to learn how to wax eyebrows and other areas. They will also need to learn how to apply makeup for special occasions. They will often be trained to use a specific brand of cosmetics and this may vary between programs.

The average course will take around 600 hours or 4 months to complete. A person will need to check with their state to determine how much education is required for licensing.
These are some of the courses that a cosmetology student will need to learn and to complete.

After completing these courses they can then specialize in other areas. These services are offered in most salons and a student will need to successfully complete the training in order to work as a cosmetologist.